Catch Reports

Carp Fishing – Wild Orchid – By Mark ‘Wuzy’ Wozencroft

So my first session on Orchid went with a bit of a bang! The weather was what none anglers would deem ‘horrendous’ - though to be honest for January it was really mild with strong south westerly winds with near constant rain. Lovely! Anyway, we all know that you’ll never catch anything sat at home [...]

Coarse Fishing – Winter Barbel Fishing Part 2 – By Lewis Baldwin

Imagine we are now leaving the summer behind, the greens will be turning to golds, browns and oranges and the nights will be gradually getting longer. What does this mean for the nation’s barbel anglers? Well we certainly need to start thinking about what bait we are using and more importantly how it’s going to [...]

Carp Fishing – 2014 Round-Up – By Chewy French

Well what a year I've had! If I'm honest I have been working far too much, with only a little fishing done due to family life; but I was fortunate enough to get among those crafty carp on the RK Leisure Complex when I did get out. Winning bites can be somewhat stressful at times [...]

Carp Fishing – 2014 Round-Up – By Tom Oliver

I thought 2014 had been a terrible year in my angling until I sat down to write this piece and actually reflected back over the entire year. My first trip of the year was with fellow GT anglers Alan Stagg and Calum Kletta to the famous Abbey Lakes complex in France. We had a short [...]

Carp Fishing – Angling at a Tangent – By Lewis Read

The year blew in rainy and mild – Friday nights huddled under ‘the Beards’ little brolly talking utterly hysterical nonsense with Meeky, Marcus and anyone else unfortunate to be in ear shot. It was a lovely way to see the year in, if not a little selfish, as the prime motivation to get down to [...]

Carp Fishing – 2014 Roach Pit Campaign – By George Benos

Following on from a fairly successful 2013 on Roach Pit, the 2014 season actually went better than I could have hoped; managing 22 bites and working my way through 'most' of the stock! It all started in early spring with my first and very welcome bite, a small common of around 23lb. I had decided [...]

Coarse Fishing – Winter Barbel Fishing Part 1 – By Lewis Baldwin

Barbel fishing throughout the winter months can be a very hit and miss affair. If you get it right and fish when conditions are great then the results can be spectacular - but if the conditions are poor (which is the case more often than not) then unless you put your hookbait on the nose [...]

Carp Fishing – Cold Water Carping Part 6 – By Nick Burrage

My very next session started off after a trip to the dentist. Luckily it was nothing serious, but after a few missed appointments due to last minute trips to France I daren’t miss another one! So after a very late start I pulled up to the lake in the dark; not ideal but I know [...]

Carp Fishing – A Year to remember – By Ian Lewis

Despite the unbelievable amount of rainfall we experienced early on in the year and the mayhem it caused, plus a disputable parking ticket I received, 2014 has been a phenomenal year. Many amazing things happened for me, like finding out my wife and I are expecting a baby girl in February 2015, buying and finally [...]

Carp Fishing – What a Year – By Kai Richards

I have had a great years fishing this year catching ten thirties and my first UK forty. I have been concentrating on a syndicate water in Ringwood and this is currently my second year on there but this year I have managed a few special ones. My first memorable session was during the middle of [...]

Carp Fishing – A New County Record – By Ricky Thomas

I arrived at Anglers Paradise Kracking Carp lake at around 9am, to find a big 40mph South Westerly wind pushing down the lake into peg 4 as expected. With an empty lake it was obvious that's peg 4 was going to be the place to be with the mild conditions. On my walk around the [...]

Coarse Fishing – Attention to Detail – By Alan Stagg

This autumn and early part of the winter and I have been bang into my barbel fishing. After gaining a ticket to a rather special stretch of a Thames Tributary, I have dedicated a fair amount of my time trying to track down and catch some of its big, yet nomadic residents. I have fished [...]

Carp Fishing – Winter Thoughts – By Tony Welch

With winter here and temperatures dropping rapidly, many anglers will be looking at their tactics and thinking about cold water baits and fining down their rigs ready for those tricky cold water carp. So, with thoughts of a winter jet black mirror in the folds of my landing net I thought I’d write a short [...]

Carp Fishing – Cold Water Carping Part 5 – By Nick Burrage

Being well into December I’m just waiting for my first blank of the season to come and visit me. I’ve been very lucky this year, with multiple catches on most sessions and some stunning fish to boot! However, with the icy cold winds and a few frosts becoming the norm now, I have been watching [...]

Coarse Fishing – 2014 Round-up – By Mike Lyddon

As the year is coming to a close, I thought I would give you an insight as to how my fishing year has gone in 2014. I had planned to do a fair bit of barbel and perching over the winter on the rivers, but unfortunately due to most of the South of England being [...]

Carp Fishing – Cold Water Carping Part 4 – By Nick Burrage

I arrived at an ice cold and windswept lake, it was quite noticeable that the air temperature had dropped by a good few degrees. With the wind-chill factor decreasing temperatures even further, I had a good feeling the carp would be somewhere on the back of the wind. I had a good look around, but [...]

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