Featured Articles

Carp Fishing – Dutch World Carp Classic Qualifier 2014 – Tom Oliver

Around a month ago I fished the BCAC with my fishing partner Graham Mabey and doomed with a bad draw yet again we ended up finishing in 5th place and missing out on a qualifying spot. We have fished the competition for around six years now making three semi- finals and decided that we weren’t [...]

Rigs over the River Wye by Sam Meeuwissen

Picture the scene: Low water levels, high light levels, barbel that have probably been hammered in the weeks leading up to my visit, a complete change of scenery, totally varied aquatic topography and a few as yet unknown technical challenges thrown in for good measure. All in all a perfect set of circumstances to charge [...]

Carp Fishing – Happy Birthday – Phil Kingsbury

I was planning on doing a few nights on Vinny but with the all of the warm weather the carp started spawning, so the management closed it for a couple of weeks. Instead of cancelling my holiday, I decided to book three nights on Sandhurst Lake instead (http://www.sandhurstlake.co.uk/). I turned up early on the Monday [...]

Carp Fishing – From Breamland to Dreamland – Lee Wagner

Having moved off of Kingsmead 1, after it proved impossible to get through the Bream, I had a wander around the venue and found 4 nice looking chunks meandering in one of the bays on Church Lake (Horton). I dropped a handful of Grange boilies onto a little clear patch in the weed, just a [...]

Carp Fishing – Given Half The Chance – By David Boult

After a recent spell of baiting regularly on a lovely Southern pit that I've been fishing, I got out on the bank and enjoyed a hectic few nights last week on the spot. I know the lake responds well on the big moon phase, so I timed my recent overnighters accordingly. Fishing to a lovely [...]

Spring Crucians and Tench by Alan Stagg

Much of my stillwater fishing in recent years has evolved around one technique, introducing groundbait and lots of it, known as the baiting pyramid. The idea is to try and attract a wide range of species to dine in the swim, create competitive feeding and hopefully tricking the fish into making a mistake. This method [...]

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