Featured Articles

Carp Fishing – Back In The Game – By Tony Welch

It was last knockings as usual, around 7.30pm and I decided to get in a quick over night session before work the following day. I’ve been struggling of late and the with a weather forecast of thunder and lightning I thought to myself ‘If you can’t catch anything tonight, you never will!’ With this in [...]

Carp Fishing – A Man On A Mission – by Nick Burrage

After a leisurely drive from the ‘Fishing With The Stars’ event at Linear Fisheries; getting stuck in the odd traffic jam and a quick burger stop, I soon made it to the syndicate water and with a big smile on my face. Pulling into the car park it was soon evident I had the lake [...]

Carp Fishing – A Change Of Plan – By Phil Kingsbury

After my last session I had planned a three night trip to Cottington Lakes in Kent, with my girlfriend Konge. After catching at Vinny during my last session, it seemed mad not to return, so I loaded my car with two bed chairs sleeping bags and my two man Armo. I arrived early and after [...]

Carp Fishing – Park Life – By Brandon Butler

I arrived at the fishery late afternoon as I knew the park would start to quieten down around this time. After a good walk around, I decided against fishing the snaggy areas that I tend to favour, as I had spotted some fish held out in the open water area near the main area of [...]

Carp Fishing – August Blog – By Rick Golder

With the school holidays upon us, my fishing time became more restricted, and my mid-week time would now need to be spent splitting days off with my wife to look after the children and work. That said, I knew I’d still be able to do one overnight session per week and on these overnight sessions [...]

Carp Fishing – A Productive Storm – by Phil Kingsbury

I’ve really been enjoying my fishing on Vinny this year, so I took half a day’s holiday on Wednesday the 16th July and got there about 3pm. With no one else fishing, I did a couple of circuits looking carefully for signs of fish activity; and in the end I decided to fish the Right [...]

Carp Fishing – Creeping up on a Margin Monster – By Nick Burrage

Margin fishing and stalking alike has always been a big passion of mine, even from the early days in my carping carer. I would often use paste baits to outwit my quarry, only being able to fish a few yards from the bank. This was more due to the soft bait really; but with that [...]

Carp Fishing – 48 Hours On The Blue Pool – By Brandon Butler

As we arrived at the complex on Saturday morning the group that was just pulling off said there had been a couple of carp out that night, but nothing in the daytime. This was probably to do with the weather, as temperatures were hitting up to 31 degrees! My allocated pegs were 15 to 21, [...]

Carp Fishing – Kingsmead Hauling – By Lee Wagner

Three weeks running I’ve been out on the bank! I usually only get 2 to 3 nights every few weeks so these concurrent sessions are a real rarity, and to be fair it certainly ended up being a session of firsts. Having managed to catch one part of my interim target (being a thirty pounder [...]

Carp Fishing – UKCC Semi Final at Brasenose Two – By Luke Church

Now all of the qualifying rounds were completed it was time for both semi finals to take place on the prolific Brasenose Lakes at Linear fisheries in Oxford. There were 14 anglers competing on Brasenose one and a further 16 competing on Brasenose two, all battling it out for a place in the final. The [...]

Coarse Fishing – Dreaming Of Bream – By Mike Lyddon

Where do I start with this piece, well if I am honest, I think the best place to start is by asking you to read (or hopefully re-read) Alan Stagg’s article entitled ‘Bream Dream’ last month, as this one runs alongside and follows on after Alan’s piece. Going back a few months, I too was [...]

Carp Fishing – The Historic Crayfish Pool – Lee Wagner

June has now passed and judging on my last capture from Horton’s Church lake being Split-Pec 6lb’s down in weight, it confirmed that those fish that were going to spawn have done their thing. With this in mind, and as the Church Lake has so many more fish that I’d love to catch (including my [...]

Carp Fishing – Horton Church Lake – Chewy French

Since my childhood days, I'd always had a burning ambition to fish the historic Horton Church Lake one day. Well the opportunity finally arose when new owners (RK Leisure) took it over... Understandably, I was full of excitement and anticipation as I set off for my first session. On arrival, and with the carp barrow [...]

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