Gardner Tackle’s articles. Written by our team of highly experienced carp and specialist anglers.

Coarse Fishing – Mega Crucian Brace – By Mike Lyddon

Over the last few years, I have always got out and fished over the New Year period, and this year was to be no different. However, my original venue of choice, the River Severn, was a whopping 6.7 metres up at the time and consequently flooded right across all the neighbouring fields. A far [...]

Carp Fishing – 2015 Round Up – By Scott Kingsley

After an intense three month river campaign it was time to return to the pond and get ready for some autumn fishing. With the weather still warm things should have been easier, but unfortunately it wasnt. I was working hard for the odd fish here and there, however the venue had me scratching my [...]

Carp Fishing – Winter Blog Part 2 – By Rick Golder

Continuing on from my last blog, I’d had a single night session on the new water, a venue which only contains a handful of carp. My target was a historic old mirror, which was a daunting prospect in a 16 acre snag ridden and feature filled pit. The positives were that the lake was [...]

Carp Fishing – Happy New Spooky Year – By Lewis Read

Happy New Year! Long before the alarm clock bleeped I was looking pensively at the illuminated orange digital numbers – wishing my time away so it was worth getting up and getting the gear in the car. Like most anglers it’s a sound I normally hate, on any other day but a fishing [...]

Carp Fishing – 2015 Round Up – By Tommy De Cleen

As I am writing this piece, it’s Christmas Day and the year is nearing its end. I have just finished my last session of 2015 (which unfortunately resulted in a blank) and made my last diary blog for my YouTube channel. As reflect on a year of highs and lows in my angling, it’s [...]

Carp Fishing – First Night Success – By Ricky Knight

With the weather being amazingly mild for December, and the fish still feeding, there was never a better opportunity to get out and do some fishing and filming before a cold snap materialized and put a halt to the activity. I had been planning on fishing at a different venue initially; however I saw [...]

Coarse Fishing – My Quest For A Big Pike – By Alan Stagg

During the late autumn months I often find myself packing away my barbel and chub kit for the season as in recent years I have found myself spending most of the colder winter months in search of big pike. Pursuing big pike can become very addictive and when targeting any species to specimen sizes [...]

Carp Fishing – Trials and Tribulations of 2015 – By George Benos

I was really looking forward to the season ahead. Having had two very successful years on Roach Pit, it was time for me to move on. I decided that my main angling priority would be The Half Lin from the Vinnetrow syndicate in Chichester. I also acquired a Burghfield ticket for when the fish [...]

Carp Fishing – My 2015 Highlight – By Lewis Read

What a rollercoaster of a year! I did an awful lot of angling this year and not just at that wonderful park lake. That side of my angling has been pretty well documented already - so I’m not going to write about park life as that story is already scribbled elsewhere. During the summer [...]

Coarse Fishing – 2015 Round Up – By Lewis Baldwin

It’s safe to say that 2015 has been a year I won’t forget in a hurry. I’ve caught some amazing fish from a variety of venues and mid-way through the year I had the pleasure of becoming a dad for the first time. Great memories have been created by the bucket load during the [...]

Carp Fishing – A Whirlwind Year – By Harry Waye-Barker

What a whirl wind year I’ve had! In fact I really can’t remember another like it. Since Christmas last year I’ve relocated to Norfolk from London, taking up a new post as Site Manager at Taverham Mill Fishery and Nature Reserve. Moving house, getting engaged to my fiancée ‘Lottie’ and picking up my first [...]

Carp Fishing – My Highlights Of 2015 – By Ian Lewis

Looking back through some of images from this season suggests it’s been a fairly decent year given the limited time I’ve had. I was gifted with the birth of my daughter on February 27th this year, which meant most of my angling has been a Friday night after work, with the odd mid-week session [...]

Carp Fishing – A Memorable Year – By Ash Bailey

The year of 2015 couldn’t of started off much better for me. I slipped the net under my first carp on the 2nd of January, which resulted in a new lake record and personal best mirror known a Single Scale weighing a massive 49lb 12oz. I couldn’t quite believe it after spending Christmas with [...]

Carp Fishing – Old Mill Stunners – By Tony Welch

Carp angling today is a million miles away from what it was when I started fishing. The digital age and social media just two of the reasons it’s the beast that it is. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, I like today's scene as much as I liked the early days of my [...]

Carp Fishing – Overnight Success – By TJ Elliot

I arrived at the lake at about 1pm on a very miserable Wednesday afternoon and managed to get straight into the swim that I hoped would be available. I had just the one night to fish and with this limited time, I chose an area that I knew there was the possibility of [...]

Carp Fishing – An Old Canal Gem – By Roy Oostindiën

I woke up early and I couldn’t get back to sleep, it was still dark outside and raining heavily. I looked at my weather app and the forecast was rain, rain and more rain, but the temperatures were good. As the family were still fast asleep, I grabbed my rods, gear and bait and [...]

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