Catch Reports

Carp Fishing – A Trip To Madagascar – By Nick Burrage

After driving to Norfolk to meet up with my good friend Rob from Carp Fishing Trips, we were soon making the five hour journey through France. We were booked on a 74 acre lake known as Madagascar. It’s a lovely picturesque venue with islands, lily pads and shallow bars – a real carp paradise [...]

Carp Fishing – My Start To The Year – By Tom Oliver

It's been a while since I have put pen to paper because I have barely fished for carp since returning from the World Carp Classic in October last year. I decided after the event to take a break from carping, something I hadn't done for a few years as I was starting to burn [...]

Carp Fishing – Spring Has Finally Sprung – By Rich Adams

This was to be my fourth session of 2015 on my syndicate water. The previous three trips had proven to be fruitless with the weather and fish not playing ball! The combination of cold winds and plummeting night time temperatures, the fishing had been difficult and at time you wouldn’t have thought there was [...]

Carp Fishing – The Key To Overnight Sessions – By Craig Mortimer

As some of you might know, I tend to do a lot of quick overnighters each week. My time is very restricted due to working a normal 9am-5pm Monday to Friday job and being restricted to twenty days holiday per year. Leaving little time to do mid-week sessions, which only leaves weekends, which are [...]

Carp Fishing – Frimley Gold – By Chewy French

After a miserable winter with very little in the way of fishing, I was eager to get the rods back out again as the first glimpses of spring were on the horizon. After a memorable 2014 spent on the RK Leisure complex, I decided not to renew my ticket this year and instead I [...]

Carp Fishing – Spring Is Here – Well Almost! – By Mike Willmott

Now I expect most of you, just like me, are awaiting the arrival of spring with eager anticipation! I must say, I haven’t fished a lot this winter passed, so I’m looking forward to making up for it during the coming months, but with such a hectic lifestyle these days, I’m not counting my [...]

Carp Fishing – Canal Carping – By Lewis Baldwin

Spring is finally here and for me that generally means one thing, it’s time to start targeting the population of canal carp that inhabit the Midlands canal network. Don’t get me wrong winter is a great time to be canal carping as a good friend of mine has been proving recently, but with pike [...]

Carp Fishing – Watercraft – By Nick Burrage

Have you ever wondered why carp prefer to sit at a certain depth? Or even why they would be at one end of the lake or the other? Understanding what makes a carp tick takes effort. For instance, I’ve been reading the water temperatures for years now across all the seasons and a picture [...]

Carp Fishing – A Cold Water Campaign – By Scott Kingsley

As winter approached I decided I would fish a reasonably small local lake which held a decent stock of carp; somewhere I could fish short 24hr or 48hr sessions whenever I could fit them in with work. This winter has been exceptionally busy at work in the Angling Direct mail order department, largely due [...]

Carp Fishing – Speed Fishing – By Luke Church

As I have progressed through my angling career, I have learnt so much along the way, which has certainly helped me become more of a successful angler. With spring just around the corner the carp starting to wake up after another winter. To try and help you catch more this spring, I thought it [...]

Carp Fishing – Kracking Forty – By Ricky Knight

With the weather warming up, I really fancied a shot at trying to catch the three remaining fish that have eluded me so far from the Kracking carp day ticket lake at Anglers Paradise in Devon. The plan was to target the venues common's using hemp, mixed with corn and crushed/chopped Mainline Cell. Having [...]

Carp Fishing – Spring Has Definitely Sprung – By Harry Waye-Barker

I managed to get out to a couple of day ticket waters in Norfolk and Kent last week to catch up with some friends. Two 48 hour trips were planned and I had been looking forward to wetting a line for weeks! It is always nice to get out for a bit of a [...]

Coarse Fishing – February 2015 Blog – By Mike Lyddon

Yes folks it’s blog time again, so rather than being out on the bank like the rest of my angling friends, I am sat here on a Saturday evening jotting down a few words about how my February went. Unfortunately at the time of writing, my 100 pike target for the winter is still [...]

Coarse Fishing – January 2015 Blog- By Mike Lyddon

Following on from my 2014 overview I thought I would scribble down a few bits and bobs about my start to 2015. Well, I would like to say I set the angling world alight with hundreds of catches of earth shattering fish, but in reality is was a bit of a wash out. I had [...]

Coarse Fishing – Winter Barbel Tips, Trips, Trials and Tribulations by Sam Meeuwissen

Deepest Winter. It can conjure up such romantic images such as walking over crisply frozen grass on a frosty winter’s morn’ with cute little robins and all that. In reality it can be a cold, windswept, frostbitten and somewhat arduous task to get the rods out for a few hours. My serious advice if you [...]

Coarse Fishing – January Blog – By Alan Stagg

Perch were high on the agenda this month and I soon had the kit loaded in the van and was the long drive. Arriving at dawn I had a good look around to familiarise myself with the venue before settling into a peg with an inviting snaggy margin to my right. I was soon using [...]

Carp Fishing – Cold Water Carping Part 8 – By Nick Burrage

This next session turned into a learning curve for me. After nearly 40 years of being out on the bank, there’s always a surprise or two that springs up and a new trick or two to be learnt! Frozen Lakes! I’d been busting a gut to get a couple of nights on the bank (I [...]

Carp Fishing – Cold Water Carping Part 7 – By Nick Burrage

It’s been a busy month so far, but I have managed to wet a line on two separate occasions. After my last couple of sessions at my syndicate water, where they really gave me the run around, I was determined to get a step ahead of the carp. Well I couldn’t cope with moving every [...]

Carp Fishing – New Years Resolutions – By Rich Adams

I was off shift from work and had decided to do a day session on a small estate lake that I know. The lake it is a small intimate venue of approximately five acres hidden in the beautiful Northants countryside, with a good stocking of fish that range from low doubles to thirties. All in [...]

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