Carp Catch Reports

Carp Fishing – Hard(ly) Labour – Lewis Read

I was being treated like a VIP, rather than a slightly portly and mildly eccentric carp fishing tackle employee, I had choice of which lake. Go in the drawer on The Commons Lake that looked good for a bite, or man it up and fish ‘Mirrors’ with a chance of a monster; and with the big harvest moon due on Saturday night if ever the big one was coming out, this had to be a good window...

Carp Fishing – Nirvana Lost and Found Part 2 – Carl Udry

Only two hours after re-casting, which was entirely spent questioning if I had made the right decision, my middle rod was away. After a short ‘ploddy’ fight I was holding up another banging 42lb chestnut mirror in the mid-afternoon autumn sunshine. As I was playing it, I noticed two more subtle rolls up to my right...

Carp Fishing – Nirvana Lost and Found Part 1 – Carl Udry

It’s impossible to try and encapsulate in words, just what a special time I enjoyed during my three years, on what I truly believe will one day, rightfully be considered one of the greatest UK history carp waters ever. Since moving onto pastures new from 1st June 2019, it’s been like going through an ugly and bitter separation from a loved one...

Carp Fishing – House of Commons Part 1 – James Chisnall

Much to our amazement it was 39lb 14oz! Wow, an early Christmas present. My friend did me some great shots and we returned the fish. I sat drinking a tea thinking “this is awesome”. The only issue was once I had written about this epic adventure it was going to be even more like Piccadilly Circus. The rest of the night past with zero action, but I did not care, a December 39lb’er, and a new lake record…

Carp Fishing – Christmas Crackers – Louise Bowes

I stood poised over the rod then as the line pulled out of the clip, I lifted the rod to find myself into another carp, but this one felt a bit bigger. It was slower, more plodding, and stripping line as it went on a solid run. As I looked around for the net, I realized my dilemma. I had the handle at my feet, but the mesh was by the mat...

Carp Fishing – Bobbing Around – David Gaskin

Early in the afternoon Dave repeated a demonstration of his tactical supremacy and landed one of the longest commons I have ever seen, weighing in at over 50lb! Luckily, I got in on the action with a 48lb mirror before the end of play! The following day we managed another 3 bites before the weather took a turn for the worse and the fishing slowed.

Carp Fishing – A Year Of Two Halves – Carl Udry

2019 has been a year of two very different halves. The first half saw the inevitable running down of the final 6 months of a wonderful three years angling on the awesome Wellington Country Park (aka Welly). I have written a comprehensive account of my time on this special venue that will be published in the New Year...

Carp Fishing – No Holds Barred – George Benos

It was early February, and as the days were starting to draw out that little bit longer, there were the first very subtle signs that spring was just around the corner and everything was starting to come to life once more; and I found myself once again hatching plans for a full on no [...]

Carp Fishing – Craig Clumps ‘Em – Craig Smithson

I fished for three nights and over the course of the weekend I landed two 20lb mirrors to 27lb 10oz. I was due back down the following down the following Thursday for another 3 nights and that trip I had 4 bites losing one and landing, a 24lb 14oz mirror, a 41lb 14oz mirror (a repeat from June) and a 13lb 8oz stockie.

Carp Fishing – The Big Carp Mind Set – Nigel Sharp

After being a carp angler for 35 years I've a fair few years of winter carping under my belt and I choose my winter waters carefully. Gone are the days of me sitting on a low stocked, deep weedy waters that's for sure. I prefer to fish weed free waters with a decent head of carp to go at and preferably a fair few big'uns amongst them.

Carp Fishing – Jimbo’s Travels – Jim Chisnall

I’ve managed over 70 fish so far this year, which has made for another great years angling. The quest for the Coconut Common will continue in the spring. Many thanks to Gardner tackle, Lewis Read, and Alan ‘Norma’ Stagg, for their ongoing support and hard work; it never goes unnoticed by me and I’m always humbled to be part of such a great firm...

Carp Fishing – When The Stars Align – Tommy De Cleen

My plan worked and I had another very good fish in the net. I took some shots, did a bit more filming, got him back in the water and then let him go. Once more I was feeling great with an amazing experience with a very old friend. Man, I love carp fishing all on my own. These are memories that will last a life-time.

Carp Fishing – Fully Primed – Mark Betteridge

We are all guilty of setting up in a swim and hoping it will happen at some point in the day, but sometimes it doesn't. Therefore, it is not always best to put all your eggs in one basket. One key technique for maximising opportunities is to bait a few margin spots around the lake, on the off chance an extra opportunity appears.

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