Catch Reports

Carp Fishing – A Week To Remember – by Tom Oliver

We finally reached the end of April and with that came the much anticipated ‘FLE Tour 2016’. We were once again heading out to the fantastic Carp Connections Fishing Resort Du Der in the Champaign region of France. This year we had both JRC and Berkley lake exclusively hired for our trip, meaning there [...]

Carp Fishing – Beaky Bags The ‘Mug Sutton’ – by Lee ‘Beaky’ Wagner

Having spent the first night of my 48 hour session on RK Leisure’s 'Kingsmead 1' sat off the back of the bitterly cold wind I decided to make a move as I hadn’t seen anything to indicate fish were in the area. Having packed everything down I spent the next hour surveying Horton church [...]

Carp Fishing – Incredible Brace – By TJ Elliot

It's not very often I get to spend more than one night at the lake, however, due to being on half term at college, I decided to use this time to my full advantage. The first few nights down the lake were spent staring at huge carp crashing a million miles away, knowing they [...]

Coarse Fishing – A Winter Pike Session to Remember – By Lewis Baldwin

If you’re a river predator angler, then the last few months have been pretty awful! With nothing but dirty brown floodwater filling our running waters for what has seemed like an eternity, with opportunities to do some pike fishing having been limited to say the very least. We have floods every year but I [...]

Carp Fishing – Winter Wonderland – By Ian Stott

Unsurprisingly, the week after my capture of Scruffy Bob I found myself back in the same swim. I arrived at the lake at dusk and after a very quick walk around I again observed some fizzing in a sheltered area of the lake called Turtle Corner. However, lady luck wasn't on my side that [...]

Carp Fishing – A Good Start To The Year – By TJ Elliot

Due to being back at college and working weekends, I can only fish one night a week, this night being on a Wednesday. After three weeks of not being able to fish, due to my rods being sent off for repair, I decided that I couldn't take much more and ended up borrowing my [...]

Coarse Fishing – Mega Crucian Brace – By Mike Lyddon

Over the last few years, I have always got out and fished over the New Year period, and this year was to be no different. However, my original venue of choice, the River Severn, was a whopping 6.7 metres up at the time and consequently flooded right across all the neighbouring fields. A far [...]

Carp Fishing – 2015 Round Up – By Scott Kingsley

After an intense three month river campaign it was time to return to the pond and get ready for some autumn fishing. With the weather still warm things should have been easier, but unfortunately it wasnt. I was working hard for the odd fish here and there, however the venue had me scratching my [...]

Carp Fishing – Winter Blog Part 2 – By Rick Golder

Continuing on from my last blog, I’d had a single night session on the new water, a venue which only contains a handful of carp. My target was a historic old mirror, which was a daunting prospect in a 16 acre snag ridden and feature filled pit. The positives were that the lake was [...]

Carp Fishing – Happy New Spooky Year – By Lewis Read

Happy New Year! Long before the alarm clock bleeped I was looking pensively at the illuminated orange digital numbers – wishing my time away so it was worth getting up and getting the gear in the car. Like most anglers it’s a sound I normally hate, on any other day but a fishing [...]

Carp Fishing – 2015 Round Up – By Tommy De Cleen

As I am writing this piece, it’s Christmas Day and the year is nearing its end. I have just finished my last session of 2015 (which unfortunately resulted in a blank) and made my last diary blog for my YouTube channel. As reflect on a year of highs and lows in my angling, it’s [...]

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