Articles all about carp fishing written by our dedicated carp angler team. With a wealth of experience and skill, these articles will interest and help all carp anglers at whatever level of ability.

Carp Fishing ~ New Beginnings on the Big Pit ~ by Tom Oliver

After enjoying a fantastic season on the Hollybush Lane Lakes Syndicate last year I would have loved to have spent another season there this year especially after my time there was cut short due to illness. However, with my wedding in Portugal on the horizon in September I knew I [...]

Carp Fishing ~ The Quarry A New UK Adventure (Part 2) ~ by Tommy de Cleen

Tommy is visiting the Quarry pit again this spring, here's installment one of a two part article detailing his previous pilgrimages to the UK. Continued from part 1... During the week I did two features; one for Carp TV with my friend Joe Morgan, and a nice little feature for [...]

Carp Fishing ~ The Quarry A New UK Adventure (Part 1) ~ by Tommy de Cleen

Tommy is visiting the Quarry pit again this spring, here's installment one of a two part article detailing his previous pilgrimages to the UK. In January 2016 I wrote my first article about fishing on English soil that was written about my love and fascination for fishing in the UK [...]

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