Born on the channel island Guernsey I got involved in fishing at a young age. Loved fishing for mackerel with hand lines and went hunting for crab with home made traps that we made from bicycle wheels and mums knitting wool. When I was eight we moved from the small island to the big city of Amsterdam. It didn’t take long before I discovered all sorts of fishing with my 3 meter pole. At age eleven I finally got to stalking for carp with my dad in one of many city ponds our area knew, but carp fishing really hit me after reading an article about static carp fishing at age fifteen and soon after that staring at two pieces of aluminium foil took over my life. Now, thirty years later I`m still hooked on carp fishing. My favorite venues are big public lakes where there`s enough room for me to to my own thing. A boat, echo sounder and prodding stick are my main tools. I’ve been using Gardner Tackle for over twenty years and I`m very proud to be a part of it now!
Fact File
Name: Jan Ramp
Location: The Netherlands
PBs: PB common: 21,5 kg, PB mirror: 23,6 kg
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