At the age of 8 I watched my Grandad catch an eel with a fishing rod. I was so fascinated by this that the life-saving hobby of my ancestors flared up in me and I knew that I wanted to be an angler.

Over the past 29 years together with a lot of fun, euphoria, time-commitment and help from my friends I have gained my angling experience. Unfortunately time, or rather the lack of it, has now become a major factor for me. So now I try to use my fishing knowledge to achieve the same results in less time. Lining tactics and preparation are my main focus. In the future I would really like to just enjoy my hobby with advice and practical help from others.

Fact File

Name: Jens Scholz
Location: Herbsleben/Thüringen
Age: 39
Carp Angler Since: 1993
PB: National: 26,3 kg / International: 30,5 kg